Available in English


  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Update date

    17 июля 2023

Magibot – adventure game for IOS where you control a magical robot ILO. Our little hero was sent by the people to a distant planet to find the last hope for salvation. Our hero to explore a hostile planet and through the magic of books to look for pendulums transformation. In addition to books and a pointy hat, our hero has unique abilities such as the ability to fly, to stop time and cross matter. Use these possibilities robot to defeat all enemies to overcome all obstacles and accomplish the mission. All the game features 40 unique levels, 2 game modes and 9 magical abilities.

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Requirements tov1.5.0

  • OS version: iOS 12+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 277.02 Мб
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v1.5.0  Original

17.07.2023 - Changes not specified.

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